No longer bound by constraints of clothing alone, women may now have the delightful pleasure of deforming themselves from the inside out. Where once ribs were merely moved around and internal organs forced together by outside MAN-ipulations, now ribs are removed, secondary sex characteristics are sucked up and out like so much fatty tissue, and orbic lobes of the new ideal replace God given natural endowments...
Today's self-assertive, self-reliant, independent modern woman is more man made than ever before, still shaped by man's DICK-tates . The titles of Jacobs' pieces, integral to the works themselves, show that the paradoxical irony is not lost on this artist.

Madame Butterfly

Dressed For Dinner


Don't Bet On It
 Skirting the Issue

Private Collection


Private Collection

summer blossom
Private Collection

burgeon virgin
Private Collection
a conch-scious she sell II

a conch-scious she sell III:expecting

budding out
a conch-scious she sell

fit to be tried

top drawer trappings of the bon ton
french made to order

french made to order
Private Collection

Laura Ann Jacobs is represented by
Christian Hohmann Fine Art in Palm Desert and Art Link International - Howard Brassner, Palm Beach
copyright © 2002- 2024 - Laura Ann Jacobs - All Rights Reserved Web presence by Bluebird Web Studio.